• NHICC - About Us


    The NHICC is a Canadian not-for-profit, certification body focused on improving home inspection services and consumer protection by promoting a nationally recognized and rigorous certification process. Members certified and affiliates of the NHICC are home inspectors that span all across Canada. We have a strong, unified voice working with licensing/regulators, other stakeholders and the public. National Home Inspector Certification Program



    Home inspector certification is THE standard by which the public recognizes quality home inspections.



    The NHICC promotes the value of rigorous certification to all stakeholders.



    Integrity Consumer Protection Quality Collegiality Inclusion Mutual Respect Excellence


    We are simply NOT just another home inspection association. 

Available courses

This is the NHICC Certification Exam. You must be registered, have paid and scheduled to take this exam. We highly recommend that exam takers review the content in this website prior to taking the exam. The exam has approximately 175 questions that must be completed with the 3 hour maximum time limit. The exam is also invigilated by a NHICC proctor. The exam taker must have both video and audio live during the complete length of the exam. Additionally, photo ID is required. The exam is password protected and will be issued at the start of the exam. NOTE: The final grade will not be available until the manually graded portion is completed by the exam proctor. This is generally completed with 24 hours or sooner after the exam. 

To operate a home inspection business can be a complex process that requires some knowledge of law. Very few if any home inspection associations provide a requirement regarding the legal rights and pitfalls.  It is important to understand the intent of a contract, and how everyone in the home inspection sector can be impacted by even just a professional code of conduct, or failure to fulfil their contractual obligations. 

For the Home Inspection Profession - integrity, honesty, and objectivity are fundamental principles embodied by a Code of Ethics. It sets forth obligations of ethical conduct for the home inspection profession. The Membership has adopted this Code to provide high ethical standards to safeguard the public and the profession. Inspectors must comply with this Code, and must avoid association with any enterprise whose practices violate this Code. Furthermore they must strive to uphold, maintain, and improve the integrity, reputation, and practice of the home inspection profession.

The TIPR was created and tested on over 300 home inspectors back in 2006 to 2010. The following brief overview and  provides a good example of what can happen in field testing of home inspectors. This is part of the NHICC's (TIPR) Test Inspection & Field Review home inspection process. It's been copied by many home inspection associations as part of the inspector certification process. 

The following series of Practice Tests provides an overview of the types of questions the exam taker will expect to see on the NHICC National Home Inspector Certification Examination. It provides the participant with a number of different practice tests. The defect recognition photo examples are not graded by the auto computer-based scoring. These examples provides a general idea of what the exam participant can expect on the NHICC Exam. 

This presentation briefly addresses the "GAP" between occupational standards and home inspection credentials. There are many questions about certification and the gap that consumers need to consider. Why do so many gaps exist in the home inspection sector? Who certifies the certifiers? Why are there so many different designations, and are they really equal?